Good News from the Muslim Community

Welcome to Fresh Air, a Muslim community bulletin that brings you the good news you never seem to hear in the media.

We welcome stories of positive community engagement, humanitarian and voluntary work, responsible reporting and well researched publications, documentaries and other pieces.

We want to inspire you to do more by hearing about others’ example whether they be Muslim or Non-Muslim. We also want to put a smile on your face when you read about people striving to make the world a better place.Finally we are committed to centralising communication within the Muslim community so that you know about the good work of both Muslim and Non-Muslim organisations and can support them spiritually and financially.

Friday 4 March 2011

Muslim and Green

Does Islam lead to the betterment of society?  Last week Tooting Sisters held an enriching Islamic education circle on ‘Love for the World around You’.  As the regular Monday evening circle draws its ‘Love’ season wistfully to a close, this was a powerful reminder of the Islamic position on the environment and how each of us as vicegerents on the earth have a responsibility to use the world’s resources carefully and respectfully.
Muslims of course follow the example of the Prophet Mohammad, a man who once stopped a whole army of men when he heard a mother bird complaining that her young had been taken from her.  When she told him that one of his men had taken them, the Prophet immediately issued instructions to return her children to her and relieve her of this distress.    The Prophet has also been reported to have advised his community that if the Day of Judgement seems close ahead and a person holds a seedling in their hand, that they should plant it.  Indeed the sanctity of trees is so significant in Islam, that the Prophet did not allow them to be cut down, even if a mosque was to be built.
Sisters were reminded of all the fruits mentioned in the Qur’an and how perhaps we might remember our creator with gratitude when we eat them.  Tips were offered on how to reduce unnecessary waste, such as recycling carrier bags, using draft excluders, composting and re-using containers.  Finally resources such as IFEES and Green Deen were recommended both of which deal with Green issues from a muslim perspective.
A number of muslim women were pleasantly surprised to have these issues brought to their attention in a religious context and many left the talk with a firm resolution to be greener in the future.

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