Good News from the Muslim Community

Welcome to Fresh Air, a Muslim community bulletin that brings you the good news you never seem to hear in the media.

We welcome stories of positive community engagement, humanitarian and voluntary work, responsible reporting and well researched publications, documentaries and other pieces.

We want to inspire you to do more by hearing about others’ example whether they be Muslim or Non-Muslim. We also want to put a smile on your face when you read about people striving to make the world a better place.Finally we are committed to centralising communication within the Muslim community so that you know about the good work of both Muslim and Non-Muslim organisations and can support them spiritually and financially.

Wednesday 11 May 2011


I have been aware of the existence of MPAC for some time but it was only when I met a volunteer handing out leaflets in favour of the Alternative Vote that I was triggered to review their website.  MPAC or the Muslim Public Affairs Committee is a not-for-profit organisation set up to address the issue of Muslim under-representation in Politics.  Founded by the young outspoken Asghar Bukhari and with convert Catherine Heseltine as its CEO, MPAC  encourages British Muslims to make full use of lobbying, writing and voting to legitimately impact upon government policy.  As British Muslims, it is argued that we have as much right as anyone to allow our voices to be heard.  Asghar and Catherine on many an occasion have relieved the Muslim masses by appearing on BBC and ITV as eloquent representatives of the faith. 
Historically MPAC has focused on defending civil liberties, campaigning against Islamophobia and foreign policy and more recently against the Niqab ban.
Although the organisation’s work seems largely political rather than spiritual in orientation, and whether this is best is a matter for the scholarly debate, MPAC should be congratulated for having a proactive stance and believing that injustice is to be changed with one’s hand.
Provocative at times and willing to speak frankly to those who do not want to hear it, MPAC knows that sometimes you have to ruffle a few feathers in order to stand up for justice.
For more information visit

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